Author Topic: Saved profiles for the M200  (Read 2968 times)


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Saved profiles for the M200
« on: August 04, 2020, 12:06:43 AM »
Hey everyone who has a whole lot more experience than myself in this...

I have been hobby printing on an old Up! Plus and then an M200 over the last... wow, maybe 8 years now that I think about it. Where'd that go...

Anyway, I have tried to experiment occasionally with different materials, most recently a failed attempt at the colorFabb metalFill products through my M200 with the V2 hot end. I did some searching last week and talked to my supply guy here in Australia (thanks Jamie!) and found the ZT-HE which I ordered the other day. Yay me. Side note, it's been interesting to see Julia here pop up in forums everywhere all the time, so I have great confidence in this as a solution.

I also found the awesome materials chart where people who aren't me have done all the effort working out what does and does not print in which hot end. To all of you who contributed to that, especially for the materials I'm interested in, my sincere thanks. I intend to try a few of the other materials from that list that supposedly work well with the ZT-HE as well. Again, yay me.

What I was wondering is if anyone has any of those carefully discovered settings saved in the profiles of Z-Suite? I thought I would be clever while I await delivery of my new saviour and put in all of the settings from the material sheet (that apply to what I'm printing) and save them as presets. The problem is that plenty of things use actual specification, for example this: suggest a print speed of 50-70mm/s. Has anyone tried to set that in Z-Suite? I can't work out how to set a number, I can set it between -40% and +40% but I don't know what that translates into!

I tried saving a test profile and opening it in notepad to see what it actually saved and sure enough I get "RetractionSpeed":36, "PrintSpeed":-40, "FlowRatio":0, "FirstLayerGap":0.23999998,

So I don't suppose anyone has already pre-saved profiles for some of these materials they'd be willing to share? I'm happy to pay it forward and share my collection when I've worked it out but I'm no expert and you don't want a reinvented wheel by a guy who can't draw circles ;)