Z-Temp Products > Materials Compatibility

Best PLA filament

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Hi all,

In your opinion, what is the best PLA filament for Zortrax with Z-temp and ZT_HE :
-easy support&raft remove
-no warping
-excellent smooth extrusion
-nice surface
-no cooling problem especially for small parts

Thanks and best regards.

Julia Truchsess:
Verbatim natural is superb, but I have not had great results with other colors. Maybe it's me.
I like Meltink silver and gold a lot, and use silver for production. Nice metallic finish. Haven't tried other colors. Low cost.
JustPLA Studio line in yellow is excellent.
colorFabb PLA+PHA is great and very strong, but sometimes support removal is a little more difficult than other PLAs. Plain colors and transparent are slightly easier to extrude than loaded ones like silver, gold, and black, but I've done a lot with silver and gold too.
TreeD EcoGenius in bronze worked great for me but it's expensive to import to the USA and I haven't tried other colors.

Here are some I do not like - brittle, difficult support removal: MakerBot, Taulman, PolyMaker/Raise. Prototype Supply (eSun?) extrudes OK but layer adhesion has not been good for me compared to others.

Black seems to be the most difficult color to get a nice-looking PLA print from. Raise PLA looks great and matte on other printers but for some reason I haven't been able to get it to look good on the M200.

For PLA what Z-suite should one use and what fan percent should be used for the ones that obtain great prints with.
Thank you.

Julia Truchsess:
I always use the Z-ABS profile to minimize variables,, but feel free to try others.

I use as low a temperature as I can get away with. That's usually 200 - 210ยบ.

Most of what I print these days has little or no support so I use minimal fan. 20-40% if printing with raft, 0 fan if printing without raft. It depends a lot on what plastic you're using - support removal is very easy with some and not so easy with others, and you may need to adjust fan settings accordingly. Just keep in mind that in general, the less fan you use, the more stable your extruder temperature will be.

Every print is different, and there is no one set of settings that will guarantee "great prints" every time. You have to adjust things depending on the print and the material, and it often takes a bit of trial and error to get acceptable results. Once you get familiar with your favorite materials, you'll be able to get it right on the first try more often.

For me one of the best PLA is the one from EUmakers, had no failed prints with it, support removal is easy. It's comparable to Colorfabb when it comes to print quality and strenght. Plus they make it in over 90 colours :)


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