Z-Temp Products > Materials Compatibility

Ultem - Apparently the Stiffest Material Available

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Has anyone tried or thought about printing with Ultem 1010?  It's apparently the stiffest material available today and would bring the M200 up into the ranks of a Stratasys.  Would the Z-Temp products enable doing so?

Julia Truchsess:
It's difficult to get the Zortrax hot end above 310-320º in my experience, even with Z-Temp cranked all the way up. You would not want to use the ZT-HE at that temp, and probably not the Zortrax v2 - you'd want an all-metal hot end. The Z-Temp bed switch does not enable increase of bed temp, so other means would have to be used to get the recommended 110-120º bed temp, if in fact the M200 bed is capable of going that high. In short, the answer to your question is "no".


Thanks for the knowledgeable reply.  I will outfit my M200 with the Z-Temp products, but pursue other alternatives for a printer that can handle Ultem.

Thanks again.


I wonder if ceramic or glass tube of the proper diameter could be used in place of the Teflon tube liner?

Julia Truchsess:
I actually bought some stainless tubing with the idea of having an "all-metal" option for ZT-HE, but the problem is cutting it square with nice, burr-free edges. Didn't really pursue it.

Even with an all-metal hot end, it's tough to get the required temperature with the Zortrax heater. You need to enclose the printer, have a well-heated room, keep the fans off, and wait a long time. I don't think I've gotten it above 320º.


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