Z-Temp Products > Materials Compatibility

Filament benchmark


Hello everyone,

I propose to establish a table of results obtained with the various tested filaments (PLA, Wood, flexible, ...) using Marvin figurine, the famous character of the Thingiverse website : http://www.thingiverse.com/thing:215703

I have attached an Excel spreadsheet to be completed by all (Z-Temp.xlsx).
What do you think ?


Julia Truchsess:
The problem with many of the benchmark prints out there is that they are oriented toward bridging and printing without support. Some of the most challenging things when printing PLA with the M200 are how well the extrusion can keep up with the very fast head movements during support printing and how easily support is removed. I have made my own test print for these things. It's not a comprehensive test of all issues, but it does test support pretty well and if you slice it with Auto fan it will test resistance to fan-induced temperature drop because the fans come on strongly at the end of the upper flat surface.

An update  of the Excel file with the test of EasyWood.

An update of the Excel file, Colorfabb Woodfill instead of Easywood


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